Export to CSV/Excel

In Version 6 there was a menu item named “auction” from where a export of selected items to a csv-file was possible. In Version7 i do not find this procedure. Can you help?

Switch to the Orders mode and select “Export Order” from the FILE menu to export the listing/order data to CSV.

Regards, Kristian

Thank you so far, but exporting will export in “gslisting”-format, not as an cdv-file?

Make sure you have the Orders mode selected.

Regards, Kristian

Thanks. But in GS6 there was an export possible for articles in stock also.

Just go to the Inventory mode.
Then use the export command from the FILE menu or click on the export button.
However, inventory items can only be exported to GarageSale’s own file format.

Regards, Kristian

Thank you. But how can i work with this GarageSale’s own file format? With Excel for example

There’s no way to do this so far, sorry.

In GS6 there was no way to export the inventory at all.
There was an option to export “Auctions” (started listings) to CSV. In GS7 use the “export order” function instead.

Regards, Kristian

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