Final Value Fees without tax?

When I check my Final Value Fees in GS I see the values without 19% tax (e.g. Final Value Fee in eBay 10 EUR vs. Final Value Fee in GS 8,40 EUR). I do not know why. On my eBay account the invoices are correct. I know GS gets the data from eBay, but why without tax? Can I change this behavior? I am not a professional seller!

Btw. Listing Fees are correct and equal in eBay and GS. The wrong values make no sense for me in the reports I would use. Is there anybody with same problem? All others see the correct Final Value Fee in GS?


Bump. I have exactly the same issue, using with a tax rate of 20% (our VAT).

Same as @netshark I’m not a pro seller so have to pay this tax.

Anything we can do to work around this, or to fix it?

Hi, any information from the developer would be helpful. Is this a error or a feature?

Unfortunately eBay sometimes transmits wrong fee values via their API. You can try
and hold down the option key, while selecting “redownload auction states” from the
auction menu.

Unfortunately there’s nothing we can do here. GarageSale gets this data
from the eBay system directly