Find combined orders does not work correctly

unfortunately the “Find combined orders” function does not work correctly. Now I am having lots of doubled combined orders due to auctions sales, but GS cannot recognize them and the Find combined orders windows remains blank. Is there anything I can send you in order to catch this bug? Also closing and relaunching GS doesn’t fix it (in the past, when I had fewer combined orders, I noticed that Find combined orders only worked after closing and reopening GS).
Please let me know.

Thank you

Does it maybe already help to refresh eBay tokens and select “Update All Orders” afterwards?

Hi @kristian ,
I just tried but nothing to do, the find combined order is broken. Maybe it doesn’t work with orders coming from an auction instead of a fixed price. Is this the reason?

If you upload your current Garagesale.leveldb database somewhere, where I can download it form, and send me a couple of listing ids, for which this bug is happening, we can try to figure out, what’s causing the issue.

Hi Ilja,
thanks, I will send you a private message with a dropbox link in 1 minute.

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