First image/Gallery image not showing in lower description area (on eBay)

When viewing a GS listing in eBay, I’ve only just noticed that in the item description area where the product photos are shown again, whatever the first image is in my range of images, it only shows in the upper eBay gallery, not the lower GS description area.

In GS if I right click another image to be the Gallery Image, then it seem two images go missing on eBay in the lower description area

I’ve just tested this with several standard GS design templates and although they show fine in GS Preview, upon upload to eBay the problem occurs everytime.

Any idea what’s going on? Is it an eBay bug/change or have I inadvertently changed a setting in GS.

I’m using the UK site and the standard eBay picture service (EPS) & GS7.0.15

Have you checked the “Include Gallery Image in Auction” box?

Thanks ilya,

So simple.

I looked all around for a setting like that but just couldn’t find it or a solution on the Forum - both boxes were off!!!

I can’t recall when I did that but all is fine now.

Many thanks.

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