When relisting or restarting a listing with variations the quantity is reset to “0” and a note is shown. Inconvenient but not the end of the world that requires me to reenter the quantity so a restart can be uploaded

When relisting or restarting a listing with variations the quantity is reset to “0” and a note is shown. Inconvenient but not the end of the world that requires me to reenter the quantity so a restart can be uploaded
Are you saying that the quantity values suddenly reset to zero right after you select the start or relist process and open Launch Control?
Also, are you variations connected with inventory items?
When starting a listing that was running, ended by hand(not by the restart feature), and starting as new listing, all the quantity is reset to “0”. I don’t use inventory items so I don’t know if it is connected with inventory items.
That’s really odd. I can only assume that the variation setup somehow got messed up and now is broken?
Have you already checked the variation quantities in the original listing? Does that listing still have the initial quantity values?
I checked it before deleting it. All quantities were 0. I checked another running listing with variations. Apparently over time the quantity is lost. I clicked “apply remaining quantities” and it was restored to the quantity from ebay. 2 out of 4 variation listings were reset to 0 and needed “apply remaining quantities” to fix. I guess I have to remember to do this every now and then
Hi - Hope this helps. I use multi listings a lot, and most have 250 variations, whilst I do tend to keep them running I do occasionally end and restart them and often add and remove variations. Before amending them I always open the listing on Ebay (as if I am revising the listing) and then select edit variations - that way I have a record of the numbers of each variation available - Just in case!
I then check the quantity left for the listing by selecting live and status in GS - it will show sold and remaining totals. Next I click on the listing variations in GS and click apply remaining quantities.
I then revise the listing but always ENSURE THAT THE “USE QUANTITY LEFT AS NEW QUANTITY” in the bottom left of the listing window is UNCHECKED or IT WILL RESET ALL THE QUANTITIES ON EBAY TO ZERO.
Once Revised the listing should now tie in with the original quantities on Ebay but I always check the quantity left in live status again - as probably 20% of the time GS miscalculates a quantity somewhere in the variations and I then have to go back to the ebay listing that I left open to see where the differences are.
This does “feel” like a flaw that should be corrected on the programming side.
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