Ftp image curation

I had a server-side problem with my ftp folder today (third party servers), and it made me look at the pile of images that are up there.

I notice a lot of them are named with an image size I no longer use? Does that mean that they’re there from long ago?

How and when are ftp images deleted, exactly? I have the “30 days” setting selected, but it looks like quite a few of them are older than that. Also… I would have to do a lot of weird scripting, but it feels like there are several times more images than my actual listings contain?

  1. Is there a way, besides just using Transmit or equivalent, of deleting everything and forcing them all to be re-uploaded?
  2. If it turns out that some orphaned images are on the server, how do I find and fix?
  3. If I change my preferred upload crop size from 1200x800 to 1600x1200 (or vice versa), will GS notice and modify the server-side images correctly?
  4. If I ask nicely, could we have a max-dimension size, rather than a landscape format only? That is, “1200 pixels max in either dimension”?

GarageSale will never delete images on your FTP server, if you they were uploaded for a “Good til canceled” listing. So, if you are using GTC, then there is no wonder you have many orphaned images.

If you remove the “UploadedImages.levelDB” directory from GarageSale’s library folder, GarageSale will forget which images it already uploaded to your server and re-upload them on your next start/revise.

You’d probably would need to diff a list of all the images on your server, with a list of uploaded images of all your running listings in GarageSale. But we’d probably need to expose the uploaded image URL in the JavaScript interface first.

A changed image size will only apply to newly started listing, or revised listings. There is no automatic modification of already started listings.

That is what the code should actually do. If you have an image where it doesn’t work that way, please send it to us. Maybe the meta-date isn’t parsed correctly for some reason.

Well, now I’m trying to think of a way to remove orphaned images without stopping all 3400+ current running auctions and listings and manually doing a rm * in the hosted images directory on my service provider. I mean obviously after Christmas…

Oof! I did not know this.

I cancel and re-start all unsold GTC listings every couple of weeks, too. Do those images then get new UUID values/names, or is the image associated with the listing itself?

Is there any practical reason why it would be a problem to delete and re-upload images for GTC listings (maybe conditionally, if they’re not already there) according to the chosen schedule?

I’m already re-uploading GTC images every time I stop and re-start a listing, right? So I suppose what I’m asking is why, if the database record ID of the Listing itself is the same over time?

I think I have a user interface idea that might work, if you’re willing and able.

What I really want to remove from the server is images associated with Listings that I have deleted. That is, those that are not in any folder in GS at all, after I’ve emptied the Deleted Listings trash.

When I click the FTP Setup Assistant icon in the Settings > Image Server pane, I almost immediately see a list of all the filenames in the FTP server (once I’ve already set it up).

That implies to me that (in my case at least) the return of ftp ls results is relatively quick.

Could we have a little menu entry somewhere (maybe in the Deleted Listings right-click menu?) that does something like “Remove deleted images from server...” or something close to that?

The subset of images to delete would be the set of all image filenames on the server, minus the image filenames currently associated with any listing in GS’s database, even the ones in the Deleted Listings folder.

I know some users keep the Deleted Listings as a sort of archived record, but this seems to avoid interfering with that.


I’ve finally been able to start using Transmit.app to clear out the oldest 80000 jpegs from my image server directory. (There were some permissions issues on the server side)

I have some questions about which of the GS tasks that produce new ones:

  • When I revise a GTC listing (replacing all the pieces) without making changes besides the price, does it upload new image files? If so, why does it change the UUID generated?
  • When I re-list an ended auction as a GTC listing, does it upload new images? Does it eventually remove the auction listing’s images from the ftp server?
  • What deletion scheme do you use on the GS image servers? Obviously (?!) you’re not keeping those old images that are not being used by ended listings, right?

So for example, at some point in mid-2024 I know that I stopped all my eBay GTC listings, adjusted the description text, and re-started them all. Does that mean that no image on the server from before that date is used by any listing?

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And when GS devs answer this, I would be curious if the answer also applies to webdav, as I upload images to my own webdav server and run all my listings as buy it now with GTC, so I have a ton of images there as well [I have “delete images” set to never in the preferences, as I tend to re-list items 90 days after initial listing and I am uncertain if stopping and re-listing an item re-uploads it to my webdav server or not, or uses the existing images.

I discovered that for some GTC listings at least, images are apparently not replaced or duplicated on the ftp server when I stop it and re-start it. I deleted some images with a 2022 creation date yesterday, and found those were still active in GTC listings that I launched this week (of stopped-and-started listings from 2022).

Because they didn’t load into the eBay view.

Which makes identifying them by creation date a problem.

Well…darn. :frowning: This will make cleanup of my webdav server quite challenging.

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