Gallery Photo not showing

Although all my photos appear in a new listing or a re-listed ad , I am having problems with the first photo (gallery photo) not showing up in an eBay list of my sales (either in my list of items for sale or in search results). This only happens to a small percentage of my ads, in a very inconsistent way. I do not save my photos after creating an ad so I do not have the option of deleting and replacing with the same pictures. If I cannot use GS to save my pictures, this will cause me workflow problems. I create all templates in OS/X 10.11.3, GS 6.9 (603), using eBay’s picture service. Has anyone experienced this problem or found a resolution. Thank you for your help.

I have the same problem. My suspicion is that it is a communication problem between Garagesale and eBay. It seems to happen more frequently with items I am relisting. My solution is to go back to the template, go to the Auctions area of the Inspector, find and select the problem auction, and click the “Revise” button, and select the radio button to revise the entire auction, and then click the “Revise” button. This often fixes the problem. If it doesn’t, I end up going into eBay, taking the necessary steps there to revise the auction, deleting the problem photo and adding it back in. You need to save your photos someplace where you can get to them in case this happens.


Thank you Brian, you are very helpful. My next step will be to trial GS7 to see if this helps me since I’m evidently running a much older version. Not sure why the updater does not inform me of this fact?? I believe eBay is having problems since many gallery pictures are randomly not showing for other sellers. To your points, I’ve been revising the entire auction lately thru GS just to make minor changes to live auctions as well as using eBay’s revision tool, specifically the photo editor function to move pictures around, which was forcing the gallery picture to show. However, it appears eBay has dumbed down this function when revising an auction through their tool and now the only options I can enable are ‘add pictures’ or ‘remove pictures’. Very frustrating to find a workaround and then see it disappear. I’ll keep posting here when I find other solutions. I keep forgetting about this support forum, so I want to thank you again and take care!

If your Mac is running OS X 10.10 or later, you will see an update notification once we ship the final version of GarageSale 7.

Thanks, good to know.

I have GarageSale 6.9.7 (625) and I also have this problem which is really annoying as I have to manually re-load all gallery pictures on ebay.
This problem has been reported quite a while ago, could you please release the corection/update?