GarageSale 7.0.10 Beta 3 released

Dear GarageSale Users,

The third beta version of GarageSale 7.0.10 is available for you to download from the URL below, or the built-in updater if you are already running a previous beta version.

What’s new in this beta version

  • added a ‘Show Listing’ context menu command to the errors and warnings view when starting or verifying listings
  • when warnings are received from eBay, ‘Suggestions received’ is shown in the error view instead of ‘No problems found’
  • the ‘Add URL Image’ command will now warn if the added images does not exist or does not use HTTPS
  • before starting a listing on eBay, GarageSale will check if all url-based images are using HTTPs
  • changes to the category data loading mechanism

What’s new in GarageSale 7.0.10

  • when a design adds a link to your eBay store in your listing, that link is now an HTTPS link
  • the ‘Repair Image Links’ command now converts HTTP URL images to HTTPS, too
  • ‘Live’ mode prevents spam ads on eBay’s View Item page from opening external browsers
  • fixed a problem setting the zip code for calculated shipping via AppleScript
  • added an example AppleScript to change the BuyItNow price of the selected listings by a certain percentage
  • fixed an issue with the ‘Cross Stripes’ design that led to a display issue in Preview mode
  • hopefully fixed a problem on macOS 10.13 where an entered license code was not saved
  • URL-images imported using the ‘Import from My eBay’ command are now prefixed with HTTPS if they are stored on the eBay Picture Service (EPS)
  • reduced memory footprint when using the ‘Repair Image Links’ on a large number of listings
  • crash fixes

System Requirements

  • GarageSale 7 requires OS X 10.10 or later

Thanks for using GarageSale,
Ilja on behalf of the iwascoding team


I’m on 7.0.9, with several of the issues noted above in the fixes, but overall I am very satisfied. I just want to know if you consider the beta version stable enough for production, or do you consider it a test version? Also, I assume the first time I install a beta version, I will need to download the app from the link above and simply install it over my current version? Thanks!

The changes in this beta version or mostly superficial. I’d recommend to go ahead and use it, but only if you have current backups of your GarageSale data.(*)

Yes, but instead of replacing the old version, you can also rename to something like “GarageSale 7.0.9”, and keep it around for easy switching back.

*No matter if beta version or not, you should always have a backup of your GarageSale data. You would be surprised how many people we heard from in support who lost years worth of data because of a faulty hard drive or a corrupt database without having a backup.

I run 2 external hard drives in time machine. I have no idea if Garage sale is backing up. If so, How do i find those backups and access them if needed?

GarageSale 7 keeps your database in a folder called
com.iwascoding.garagesale7 in your User Library(*) under
Macintosh HD/Users/yourUserName/Library/Containers

If you have the folder com.iwascoding.garagesale7 opened in the Finder you can restore
it using Time Machine.
Another way is to transfer that folder to your Mac manually.

(*)Please note: The User Library is hidden by default. To access it click the Finder’s “Go” menu and press the option key to make the User Library show up in the menu. Selecting it will open it in the Finder.

Regards, Kristian

Found it. I will keep a copy of your reply safe in case I need it.

Many thanks.

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