GarageSale 7.0 Released

Dear GarageSale Users,

the final version of GarageSale 7 is available for you to download from this URL (or by using the built-in updater if you are already running an earlier version):

Thanks to everybody who invested his or her time in testing the alpha and beta releases. GarageSale 7 wouldn’t have been possible without you!

What’s new since the last Beta release

  • performance improvements when working in Inventory section
  • changing the ‘Shipped’ flag in the Orders section will update your order on eBay, even when no tracking number is present

What’s new in GarageSale 7

  • completely modernized interface with instant error reporting
  • can import listing drafts from the GarageSale Scout app on iPhone
  • a new custom database engine, which deals better with large amounts of data and allows us to adapt to eBay changes more quickly
  • GarageSale 7 does away with the template/auction differentiation - it only offers listings, which can either be running or not
  • a new Orders sections which shows information about purchased items and buyers
  • Reports can generate diagrams in addition to text tables
  • automatic update of eBay category information as needed
  • listing design are now optimized for mobile devices
  • local live validation of most eBay errors in new “Preflight” panel
  • listing images can be edit using image editing apps installed on your Mac and with image editing extensions
  • listing images can be copied and pasted between images
  • support for barcodes on the variation level
  • you can copy specific settings from one listing and paste them into other listings
  • added a preference setting ‘Load Flash’ to prevent Flash plugin crashes
  • inventory items can be exported and imported
  • you can now set the quantity of 'Good ‘til cancelled’ listings to zero to mark the item “out of stock” (you need to enable the ‘Out of Stock’ feature in your selling preferences on eBay’s website)
  • when selling cars on eBay Motors or eBay UK, there is no a dedicated field for the vehicle ID (VIM or VRM)
  • the ‘Import from My eBay’ command now downloads large images from existing eBay listings
  • can automatically generate SKU for your variations
  • added a “Reveal Original” command to the outline view context menu when a smart group item is selected. Using that command, you can easily jump to the original item of an item shown in the smart group, for instance to delete it or move it to a different folder
  • return policy, payment options, and tax settings can be specified in GarageSale’s XML import format
  • added support for specifying shipping insurance cost on eBay Italy and France
  • added 4 new designs
  • when in Listing Editor mode, there’s now basic syntax highlighting and auto-completion for tags when in HTML or Markdown mode
  • much more

System Requirements

  • GarageSale 7 requires OS X 10.10 or later

Upgrades and Pricing

GarageSale 7 is a paid upgrade from any previous version of GarageSale. The upgrade costs €/$ 19.99. During the public beta phase the GarageSale 7 upgrade is available for €/$ 16.99. Upgrade licenses are only available from within GarageSale 7.

If you purchased your GarageSale 6 license directly from iwascoding after August 1st 2015, you are eligible for a free upgrade to GarageSale 7. GarageSale 7 will offer you a free license once you start the purchase flow within the application. Unfortunately this free upgrade is not available for customers who bought GarageSale from the Mac App Store.

The full price for GarageSale 7 will be €/$ 39.99.

Migrating from GarageSale 6

  • GarageSale 7 has a new application identifier and uses its on database and 'Application Support folders, so you can run it along side GS 6 without side-effects
  • it should import your GS 6 library and your accounts (this process may take a while upon first launch)

How to import your GarageSale 6 library again

Sometimes there a bugs discovered and fixed in the component that migrates your GarageSale 6 library to GarageSale 7’s new format. If the bug effects you, here is how to run to import process again:

  1. Export any listing you created in GarageSale 7 and want to keep
  2. Quit GarageSale 7
  3. Rename the folder at ‘Library/Containers/com.iwascoding.garagesale7’ in your home directory to something like ‘com.iwascoding.garagesale7-old’
  4. Restart GarageSale 7
  5. Import any listings you exported in step #1

What’s still missing

  • fixes for yet undiscovered bugs

Thanks for using GarageSale,
Ilja on behalf of the iwascoding team


Wow, this is a great day! So… @ilja do you still need feedbacks and/or consideration of probable improving? I would have one concerning the second point :grin: … I had no time to be back here after the update, but I don’t know if is still possible…
I noticed also the website! I take the opportunity to ask you some more info about this:

Thank you and good luck with your work

Of course! Just because we released the final version, GarageSale hasn’t become perfect or bug-free.

In GarageSale 6 we used Apple’s CoreData technology, but we had a lot of issues with it. CoreData is a black box, if something goes wrong or performs poorly, it is quite hard to find out what the exact problem is.

For GarageSale 7, we built our own persistence library on top of Google’s LevelDB engine. LevelDB is a open source C++ library which can only store key-value pairs of data. So we had to add object graphs, indexing, and full text search by ourselves to get a replacement for CoreData.

Since we now have to source code to all that technology (our own and LevelDB), we can debug bugs more easily and can fine tune performance a lot better.

Hope this makes sense.

Hello @ilja ,
nice to hear, so I will keep you informed again…

Concerning the explanation, it is interesting but unfortunately quite complicated for me, but any way I understood the main theme… it is more easy to debug… but what about

What do you mean?

Congrats on the release of GarageSale 7!

Has the MacOS Dashboard “widget” for GarageSale been retired? I still use it daily and was wondering if there was an update beyond version 5.5.


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Can you release the Hardware Specs?

I need an upgrade but I cannot upgrade my current machine. it’s not upgradable.

Apple simply sucks when it comes to freedom of hardware upgrades.

Yes, we are not shipping an updated version of the GarageSale Dashboard widget with GarageSale 7. We are surprised that Dashboard is still included in OS X, given how Apple de-emphasized it over the years.

An appropriate replacement would probably a Today widget, but we are not certain it’s worth the effort. Most sellers probably are also using eBay’s mobile app for a quick check of their listings.

It’s hard to make a general recommendation. I suggest you get a Mac with at least 8 GB of RAM and an SSD. If you only manage of few dozens of listings, a Mac with a traditional spinning hard drive might be sufficient.

Also, right now seems to be a particular bad time to buy a new Mac, as Apple hasn’t upgrade most (any?) Macs to current Intel chips: