GarageSale 7 Beta 20 Released

follow up. the scheduler has an event with around 450 items. first it found an item with no picture, which was a legitimate problem. there were 2 other items with a red triangle. i couldn’t see anything wrong, so i deleted the event and added it again. those 2 passed just fine, but it found some other mystery problem with another item which had passed inspection before. when i deleted the mystery problem item, it started checking all of them again! it continues to find problems with items which were ok before. i cannot upload the auction.

In the bottom left table view containing the listings, you can hover the cursor over the error or warning icon to see what the error message is.

I replied on the website. The scheduler does not bottleneck anymore, which is good. However, it finds errors that do not exist and won’t let me upload. I can delete the event and create it again, and there are no errors with the items which previously showed “errors”, but there are new mystery errors with other items. I’ve also tried just deleting the “error” items, but then it spins again, checks everything again, and finds other error items. I can’t upload the 2nd half of my auction!!!

It said “remove secondary category” from the latest error item – but there was no secondary category. All of the items come from the same master. So I clicked “remove”, and now it’s checking everything again…?

follow up: after I clicked “remove secondary category” and it checked everything again, it passed. so i went to check the “enable event” box, and the spinning beach ball started. it’s been spinning for 7 minutes.

Thanks. We look into improving the scheduler.

it finally started after spinning for 20 minutes, and again dumped 20 items all at once instead of 1 minuted apart, because it went 20 minutes past the scheduled time.

the good news is that it hasn’t gotten hung up and stopped uploading in the middle, neither yesterday nor today, once i got it going.
the way i see it, there are these issues with the scheduler:

  1. the beach ball when trying to enable
  2. error checking accuracy and ease of visibility (not having to scroll 500 items in that little box)
  3. it won’t accept a listing from an unsold item
  4. the big window in the scheduler with the grid showing 3 items (in the pics i uploaded before) – this is wasted space. you can’t see the full spectrum of time it will take for the upload unless you scroll all the way down. either it has to be like the old version (big), or something completely different, or not at all
  5. launching: this also doesn’t seem to be accurate or useful. for instance, in the pic above, it says Launching 23 Listings – where is that number from? Currently while it is uploading, mine says Launching 43 items…? Makes no sense. It uploads 1 per minute, in this auction, until all 448 are listed.
  6. last – while it is uploading, I am working on preparing the next one. I get a little beach ball, not a horrible amount, while trying to work on the next one. if it ran smooth, that would be great.

Thanks for the feedback. We’ll look into all these issues. I added a few questions/comments below:

The “calendar view” at the top grows when you resize the scheduler window. I can fit 15 listings in there on my 15" screen.

How about moving the error message from the local checking into the calendar view? [quote=“fonky1, post:63, topic:1221”]
launching: this also doesn’t seem to be accurate or useful. for instance, in the pic above, it says Launching 23 Listings – where is that number from?

My guess is that this is the number of listings that have reached their due date (event start data + interval time have been reached) and are right now in the queue to be uploaded. Maybe @paul can clarify.

Thanks. Regarding #1, even 15 isn’t so helpful. In GS 6, I could see a whole lot, which made the visual much more useful. In an auction with 500, 800, 1200 items, 15 at a time doesn’t really do much. I don’t know what I would use it for. It’s not hurting anything, but I have no idea how it is supposed to be helpful…? Regarding #2, I don’t understand. All I see is the red triangle when I scroll thru the little box in the lower right corner. Where else or how else should I be looking?

by the way, something that was really helpful in the last version was the little number of listing waiting to be listed on the GS icon in the dock.

I agree with Fonky1.

The error he is referring too, I found it several times, too.

It’s an “internal application error, blah blah”.

Based on my observation it looks like a internal error within garage sale.
The auction I had the issue with were previously listed and had not issues.

I still think the solution should be give us the option of by-passing validation.
Ebay error handling is pretty good, eBay will slap us really well when try to do anything out of the norm.

I’ll have more to say on this when I have more time to test the application.

“Internal error to the application” is returned by eBay. Maybe we have to rewrite that error message, so people don’t blame GarageSale for it.

Perhaps something about the way GS 7 is checking for errors should be addressed? Because in GS 6, I never got error messages when there was not an actual error… So even if it’s eBay returning it, there must be something different between 6 and 7…

I think eBay just had a bad day yesterday.

LOL. eBay needed a good cry, and now it’s doing much better.

Yes, this is exactly right. And they will be uploaded one after another as fast as possible (without any additional delay).

OK, in that case then please we need something to fix that. Even if there’s some delay, I don’t want my items being uploaded with less of an interval than I set (1 minute in most cases).

I’ve been trying to narrow down when the spinning ball happens. There are 3 main times. First, if I navigate away from GS to another ap (like Safari or mail), I get the ball when I return. Second, frequently when I go to pictures or come back from pictures. Especially when I need to scroll through pictures. Third, if I stop typing for a few seconds, like I need to inspect my item, when I return I get the ball…

Oh, and about once or twice each day, the program stops being able to show photographs (they appear with a “?”) and I must restart GS.

One other thing I noticed. Sometimes when I am working on creating a listing, I need to search (using the search box) to compare what I am creating with what I already have. So I type in the search, and some listings come up on the left. I don’t need to click any of those – I just need to see what comes up. So then I click the “x” in the box to go back to what I was doing. GS 6 would take me back to where I was. GS 7 does not, and I have to find it again – UNLESS the words I search for are in the title of the one I’m working on.

I get the spinning beach ball for anywhere from about 20 seconds to 1 minute with each new listing.

So I have about 500 ready to go. I decided to drop the price $1. It doesn’t matter if I highlight them all or choose the folder: When I use the inspector to change the price, the inspector will go from 8 to 7, but then if I select any listing individually, the change is not made.