GarageSale 8.0.4 Beta 3 Released

Dear GarageSale Users,

the third beta version of GarageSale 8.0.4 is out and can be downloaded from this link:

What’s new in this beta version

  • Synching: fixed a bug where hierarchy conflicts (e.g a listing was moved to different folders on two different Macs at the same time) weren’t correctly handled (if you been effected, you need to restart synching from scratch - cc @fedege96)

What’s else is new GarageSale 8.0.4

  • fixes an issue where GarageSale 8 did not show its main window right after the import of a GarageSale 7 database
  • PayPal fees are now correctly included in Income Reports
  • fixed a possible crash when opening the eBay Preferences
  • fixed a possible crash when updating order data
  • fixed a possible crash when opening the Sync Conflict panel
  • fixed a possible crash when opening the context menu for an image
  • fixed a possible crash when displaying an eBay order

System Requirements

  • GarageSale 8 requires OS X 10.12 or later

Thanks for using GarageSale!

Thanks @ilja , I will do again up and down. I will let you know about any other issue.

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