GarageSale 8.2 Beta 1 Released

Dear GarageSale Users,

the first beta version of GarageSale 8.2 is available for you to download and test from this link:

We made many code changes since the previous beta release, so we decided to rename the current 8.1.2 Beta series to GarageSale 8.2.

What’s new in Beta 8.2

  • improved performance when selecting (smart) groups with a large number of listings
  • improved performance when evaluating smart groups with large number of listings
  • improved performance when loading search results
  • fixed a crash when moving an item to the trash that had an invalid link to its parent group

Other changes contained in this release carried over from the 8.1.2 Beta series

  • fixed bug that could prevent a single order from appearing in a Report
  • Car Parts: multiple found vehicles can be selected by holding the shift key, and added to a listing by double-clicking
  • Car Parts: compatible vehicles can be deleted from a listing
  • Smart Group editor: the property popup in the will be sorted by alphabet, when the option key is held down when the Smart Group editor is opened
  • performance improvements when using a large number of listings with the Auto-Cancel option
  • when generating a label with Endicia, the shipping carrier for the selected order is set to “USPS”

Thanks for using GarageSale,
The GarageSale team

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7415 listings selected in 1 second. OUTSTANDING!

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Great to hear! Can you measure how long it took in the GarageSale version you were running before?

I was measuring the wrong thing. Right clicking 7400 listings in a smart group takes 34 seconds to get a dropdown menu in this version, 45 seconds in previous version. 866 listings in previous version takes 4.93 seconds to right click and about the same in this version. sorry about the mixup

This morning in smart groups, any selection of ALL freezes on the spinning ball. Any selection in normal folders of “ALL” works fine. Did GS break?

Could you please create a “Sample” of GarageSale with the Activity Viewer (‘View’ menu > 'Create Sample) when the beach ball is shown?

I am running OS 10.14.6. That menu item is not in the drop down. So I selected all in the smart group and it selected “ALL” in less than 1 second. Its been 1 hour since the problem. Maybe something was updating in the background and it was only appearing to be a freeze?

Activity Viewer is a separate application that ships with your Mac. It’s under Application/Utilities.

Thanks for the update. If you get the beach ball again, maybe you can catch what’s causing it with a “Sample”.

This dropdown? Sample process?

Yes, but you need to select GarageSale in the window first. You can use the search field to filter for „Garage“.

Got it. Just learned something new.

Selected 21,000 items (right hand pane) in 6 seconds. Wow.

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