GarageSale 8 GTC Listings

Now that all Fixed Priced Listings are required to be GTC, I just noticed that GTC listings in GS are showing as ended when in fact the listing is renewed in eBay. If you manually update the status in GS, they then show as active again. Shouldn’t they just remain active in GS and not show as ended? Otherwise, one will not be able to identify GTC listings that were ended by the user vs. others showing as ended but actually active.
GS 8.0b28 (1061)

This is a known issue, sometimes GTC listings active from long time are showed greyed although they are obviously active. The update icon, as you tried, fixes it.

garagesale 8.ob28…??? the latest i have is 7.0.17b2 (851)…??? you have a time machine i dont…

The version number 8 is on the road, beta testing in background…

In the GarageSale preferences > Orders did you maybe set “Update Orders and Listings” to “Never”?

Regards, Kristian

Yes. It was set to Never and I changed it to every 60 minutes and everything is working fine! In V6 & V7 of GS it would take too many resources to have it set to automatic so I manually updated the orders. In V8 - not a problem. Issue resolved. Thanks, Warren