GarageSale 9.9.2 Beta 2 Released

Dear GarageSale Users,

beta 2 of GarageSale 9.9.2 is available for you to download via the built-in updater or from the URL below:

What’s new in Beta 2

  • users can hide entries from the shipping carrier popup in the orders section (scroll down to the bottom of the carrier menu)
  • when invoking the “Copy Listing Link” command for multiple listings while holding down the option/alt key, a blank line is inserted in between links
  • various crash fixes

What’s new in Beta 1

  • when selecting an order, it’s corresponding listing is updated with current data from eBay

Thanks for using GarageSale,
Kristian, Ilja, and Paul

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I must be doing something wrong. I still get a bunch of run on text.

This works perfectly for me both with the ‘Copy Listing Link’ command from the context menu and with the command from the ‘Listing’ menu.
Make sure you keep pressing the option key on your keyboard when selecting that command.

Also, where do you paste the copied links? For test purposes you might want to paste them into a simple Text Edit file.

My first attempt just runs all text into 1 run on line. It works ok after I manually added returns. The first 3 attempts were holding option and pasting and then after adding a return. When I tried earlier in my comment I was using the Ebay messaging system which is where I would send links to a customer.

That looks odd. What version of macOS do you have installed?

Also, do these lines still run into 1 line, if you do NOT hold down the option key when selecting the “Copy Link” command?

OS 12.7.6, Apple won’t update anything with an intel i7 chip so I’m stuck. That is likely the issue. No worries… The newfound “copy Listing link” works great for something I’ve been wanting for years!

You may have to change system requirements "not all garage sale functions available on versions before OS 13?

Use the free TextMate app for macOS - it will run on 12.7.6 and format the links exactly as you want [see my examples in the other thread].

Are you sure you are selecting those 3 listings in GarageSale at the same time (holding down the shift key), and choosing “Copy Listing URL” only once?

It looks to me as if you are invoking the “Copy Listing URL” command 3 times, each time with only a single listing selected. :thinking:

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Ilja, You are a Genius! See, I missed the part where I select a list and then hit the option key. :joy:
Now it works perfectly! A definite time saver when a buyer asks for a list of items to choose from.

Thank You! Hide entries from the shipping carrier popup in the orders section…works perfectly! /Hat Tip/

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