GS7 - Import auction/listing into inventory

I have not used the inventory section, I think there might be benefits to it, but If I could import a listing into an inventory item that might be an easy way to get up and running with inventory. Possible?

I have used the inventory on a couple of auctions and I haven’t loved it. Is anyone using Inventory? Do you like it? Why is it better? Why should I use it?


GarageSale’s inventory feature is very helpful if you need to keep track of the quantity left and also if you use variations.
There’s more details available in the manual here:

Regards, Kristian

Not sure the extra effort of listing through the inventory section is worth it. Is anyone else using inventory and how is it working - What are the benefits besides variations. . .

Kristian - Thoughts on having a function to import listings to Inventory?

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