Hard Drive Failure

Here’s a good one: Hard drive crashed while updating system software and cannot boot. System recovery does not work in reinstalling operating system (disk is “locked”). In order to recover, I must reformat the drive in order to reinstall operating system . . . and my last time machine update was on January 1st (shame on me!)

I’m at the point now that I have the Hard Drive mounted as a read-only volume and am able to copy off anything I need to an external drive.

I upgraded to GarageSale 7 after my last back up and have done a considerable amount of work getting compliant with active content (I have over 6,000 listings) and was taking the time to “refresh” many of our listings.

Here is my question: Specifically what folders do I need to copy off of the old drive in order to be able to be up and running at my last saved state before the crash? The two folders that I know of and have copied off are:

[user] > Library > Application Support > GarageSale >

[user] > Library > Containers > com.iwascoding.garagesale7

Are there any others? Any hints to make the reinstall smoother? Should I move the folders in place before running GarageSale for the 1st time? Or should I run GarageSale, make sure the serial is all good, shut down, move the folders in place and then start up again?

Any advice is greatly appreciated!


Hi Chris,

I am sorry to hear.
As far as I can tell you only need to transfer the “com.iwascoding.garagesale7” folder to the new system as described in point 16 in the FAQs here:

If you no longer use the old GarageSale 6 there’s no need to transer the “GarageSale” folder from “Application Support”.

Yes, transfer the folder, start GarageSale 7, enter your license code. You’ll probably also need to refresh/re-add your eBay access tokens in the GarageSale preferences > Accounts.

Regards, Kristian

Thank you very much for your reply! Love the GarageSale7 update!
