HOW to uninstall Garage Sale 7 ? Does uninstall GS7 affects also GS6?

Dear Iwascoding,
I bought the GS7 update a few day ago and imported all listings from GS6 (It took several hours and reported many errors).
Now GS7 runs incredibly slow (I have more than 7000 listings), so I want to uninstall the GS7 and then re-install it avoiding importing all listings from GS6. The idea is to keep using GS6 for the old listings for a while, and use the new GS7 for the new listings. Then, in time, import the old GS6 listing one folder at time, but first cleaning the folders from all the old useless stuff.

Questions are:

1 - How can I properly uninstall Garage Sale 7?

2 - Doing the uninstall for Garage Sale 7 does affect also Garage Sale 6?

3 - Can I run both GS6 and GS7 without problem?

Thank you for answering!

Kind Regards


See point 16 in the FAQs here:

No, they use their own database.

Yes, you can run GS7 along side GS 6 without side-effects.

Regards, Kristian

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