HTML gallery code

Hi, i created my own custom template whit design utility. I have all the HTML ready. I need of the html code to automatically create the gallery as attached with a description on the right side. I copied the code from a pro model template but I would like to have a clean code without unnecessary details
sorry for my bad english
Schermata 2020-04-24 alle 22.51.59|1024x682

That’s not so easy to do and might get pretty tedious.
For the start you’d need to copy the whole specific HTML and CSS from the desired layout section in one of the built-in designs and then also grap the images part (/* ::::::::::::::::::::: Images ::::::::::::::::::::: */) from top of the listing design’s source code.
Next, you could clean up the code and remove parts you don’t need.

Hope this helps,

ok thanks i will do my best,

is it possible to find a solution on the preview text description in the ebay app?
i tried this way but it doesn’t work

----------------------div vocab=“” typeof=“Product”>
[[listingDescription]][[endprocedure description]]
[[procedure galleryBG]]255,255,255,1[[endprocedure galleryBG]][[procedure galleryBorder]][[if item.designProps.Image_Frame]]0,0,0,0[[else]]0,0,0,.15[[endif]][[endprocedure galleryBorder]][[procedure galleryBorderHover]]80,80,80,1[[endprocedure galleryBorderHover]]-------------

You have to put eBay’s HTML around the [[listingDescription]] placeholder.

However, in my experience eBay’s customize summary feature doesn’t work at all. If it works for you please let me know.

Regards, Kristian

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