Hi there, eBay sent me warning about my ads are not secure with HTTP and no HTTPS, and I’m using eBay image server to upload my listing. eBay stated that on January 2019, content without HTTPS will be blocked.

I must re upload all my listing or just can edit it through eBay default?

Thank you very much

GarageSale 7.0.15 (837)

I would use GS re-listing function. Use relist with no changes, and relist all of your auctions.

Figure out what is the offending link first, mine was my store logo, so I had to fix that before revising…

I got 54 listings. I think all of them the product photos.

Are you hosting your product photos on your own servers? Images uploaded by GarageSale to either eBay or our own servers should be served via HTTPs. :thinking:

Could you post the link to one of the listings in question so we can have a closer look at it?

Regards, Kristian

Thank you Garage Sale team

I had a look at the first listing.
You started it with GarageSale 7.0.7 which is from a time before eBay made the switch to https.

You should try to make an entire revise with GarageSale 7.0.15 which is the latest version.

It also might be that these listing are “imported from eBay”? If so you could give the “Repair Image Links” command from the Listing menu a try.

Regards, Kristian

thank you Kristian, i’ll try it. Thank you GarageSale team


I have already revised a listing, but in the end, Revise Fees popped up, $0.50. Am I will be charged for revising through GarageSale?

As long as you don’t add a paid eBay option, eBay won’t charge you for the revise process.

This might be a display issue only. Unfortunately, you can not rely on the fee forecast shown in GarageSale. For the past 15 years eBay has been unable to provide third-parties with a reliable for providing upfront frees, that considers your account level, listings already listing, and currently active promotions.

As a general rule, you should always get the same price as when listing with GarageSale as with eBay’s website, unless there’s a special promotion going on that specifically excludes third-party tools.

Regards, Kristian

thank you very much Kris.
Thank you GarageSale team

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