Imageserver Upload

Dear GarageSale Users,

currently our image server has issues with the upload. We are working on a fix as soon as possible.

Sorry for any inconvenience.Thanks,


The uploads should work again now. Please tell me if you still encounter any issues…


Still not able to upload auctions due to the image server

Hi Paul,

I’m still getting image server errors on my end, but maybe it takes a bit. I’m uploading to if that makes any difference.


Can you tell me which GarageSale version do you have?

9.3 Pro Is that a problem?

I’m using 9.3 …
Screenshot 2023-06-14 at 17.12.56

Can you try once more? I think I have tweaked it for older versions of GarageSale?



Still a no-go on my end, but it’s actually attempting to upload rather than the instant fail. I could also update GS if that would fix the problem (assuming it doesn’t do anything to my current database)?

I’m heading out of the office for the evening, but will report back tomorrow morning with an update. If it continues to fail in the morning, I’ll update GS and give it another go.

Thanks for your prompt help, it’s much appreciated!

Same here, still a no-go.

Can you send me your IP address?

Here ya go:

Seems to be working ok now. thanks for your help.

Hi Paul!

Just wanted to let you know that listings are fine on my end now. Thanks again for the help!

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