Importing LIstings Question

And then – here’s what I’m thinking. Please tell me if this will work or if there’s a better way…

I select, say, 500 listings in the smart folder and end them.
Then I can set an event with the scheduler to auction them 1 minute apart.

Sorry for so many questions! This is not an obvious process. OK so I was just reading about the “remove design from description” option. All of my listings were started with GS. Do I need to have that box checked (i.e. start over) when importing if I am going to end them and then re-start them as auctions?

When downloading from ebay the design is integrated into the listing and needs removed. Otherwise you end up with a design within a design or a duplicated design and gets all mixed up when you work with it

All I would change is from buy it now to auction. Do I still need to remove it? I would end the listings, make that change, and then start the auction…

The code that sets up the design details gets downloaded and GS adds it again. So, Yes, remove it and the GS will add it back one time otherwise it get doubled and you see design details twice.

Sorry, I mixed it up with “User Properties”. Maybe you find another smart group filter that you could use?

However, it also might be possible to mark all listings that have a specific attribute by using a script.
What attribute exactly are you looking for?

Update: I added a script to the GarageSale Scripts category that you might find helpful:

Yes, you can start new, prepared listings with the scheduler but you can’t re-list listings with the scheduler.
So, after ending these listing you’d have to duplicate them and then schedule these “prepared” listings.

It only is recommended to select that checkbox if your listings use one of GarageSale’s listing designs. If they don’t use a GarageSale design there is no need to select the checkbox.

In the “records” category, one of the specifics is “type” and another is “speed". I want to be able to filter by both, so in this case I want “LP” type and “33 rpm” speed.
The result will be that I can do an auction of full length records when I want to, or an auction of 45s, etc. because generally collectors of one do not collect the other…

Also, I had to re-import everything using the option to remove design. Again, though I put the category number into the appropriate box in the “Advanced” tab, it did not work. It imported over 1000 extraneous listings…

Unfortunately, you can’t filter by attribute. However, by using a script it should be possible to mark listings that have these two attributes with a colored tag.
You could then filter these listings (that have that specific tag) in a smart group.
It’s a bit cumbersome but it is a doable workaround.

I just tried it here but for me it worked as expected. Can you post a screenshot of the “Advanced” panel so I can see what you have entered?

The script below marks all selected listings with a red tag if they have the following attributes:
Speed=33 rpm

// Mark all selected listings that have a specific attribute (e.g. "Type"="LP") with a colored tag
function run() {
	for (const listing of selectedListings) {

		if (listing.attributes["Type"]=="LP" && listing.attributes["Speed"]=="33 rpm") { // change the attribute name(s) and value(s) to what you are looking for
			listing.tag = 1; // 1 = red tag, 2 = orange, 3 = yellow, 4 = green, 5 = turquois, 6 = blue, 7 = purple, 8 = pink, 9 = grey, 0 = no tag
			consoleLog("Listing '" + listing.title + "' marked with a colored tag");
		} else {
			consoleLog("Listing '" + listing.title + "' does NOT have the searched attributes");

You can enter and run the script in GarageSale’s script editor window.

Here’s the screenshot of the advanced tab.

I, uhhhh, don’t know anything about code or that script thing. I looked at the link, and I don’t even know where to click in GS to start down that road…?

I have definitely ended listings and then re-listed them before without duplicating or anything. Maybe we can schedule a call?

Seems to be a valid category id. Sorry, no idea why it isn’t working for you.

Just select “Show Script Editor Window” from GarageSale’s “Window” menu.
In that script editor window click on the “+” button at the bottom left to create a blank script.
Paste in the script I posted.
Select some of your listings in question in GarageSale’s main window, left outline view.
Back in the script editor hit the run button to execute the script.

Sure, you can relist an ended listing. But you can’t use the scheduler for that. That’s what I meant.

OK, so I downloaded all the listings. More than only the category number I entered, but that’s fine because the smart folder can filter out the correct category. I did this with the “remove design” thing, so now when I view those downloaded listings, they don’t look right. To get them back to being right, please tell me if I understand this correctly – I need to end the listings first. Then I duplicate the listings (how do I do that?). And then they will magically appear with the design again? And then finally I can put them into the scheduler, yes?

Regarding ending the listings… So, when I try to view one of the imported listings in the smart folder, I cannot view the live listing. GS thinks it isn’t live, but clearly it is…? So how would I end them if GS thinks it isn’t running?

These are many questions. Some answers below:

  1. To add a listing design, you have to select one from the Design Browser. Of course, you can do this for multiple selected listings at once.

  2. You can only end a listing that is currently running and GarageSale needs to know about this. Running listings have a blue or green bordered listing icon. See the “Icon Legend” from GarageSale’s Help menu.
    If a listing is a “prepared” one, you can’t end it, of course.
    If you don’t have the “original”, running listings in your GarageSale, you still can end them through the eBay website directly

  3. To duplicate a listing, just click the duplicate icon in the toolbar. It’s all described and shown in the help:
    Main Window

  4. “Prepared” listings can be added to the scheduler, yes.

I’m sorry but I do not understand what you have written.

  1. So, to make them back the way they originally looked, I have to browse for the design I had chosen originally and find it again?

  2. The listings I imported are of course currently running. GS imported them from my active listings. And some of them appear in GS as running listings, and others do not, which does not make sense.

  3. Sure I understand how to duplicate a listing. BUT when I have 1000 that need to be duplicated, will the duplicated ones appear each one below its original? So then I would need to go through and select each duplicate by hand???

Please appreciate that this is not an obvious process to someone who has not written the program. I am sorry for all the questions, but I feel like it should be more intuitive. I could change the listings from Buy It Now to auctions on the eBay site easily, however eBay won’t stagger them. Since I don’t want 1000 listings ending at the exact same time, this process is necessary. But, it should be easy…!

Exactly. If different designs have been used that might be much work, true. But why is this such a surprise? I’m sure you knew how to select a design before?

I think I already tried to explain it in one of my previous answers.

Before doing the duplications, create a new group. Then make the duplications. The duplicated listings will all be selected so you can easily move them all at once into a specific group or use the “Move Items to” command.
You might want to test it with a few items first.

Regarding selecting the design… I selected a design one time, MANY YEARS AGO, for my entire store, and I have not thought about that ever since. All my listings have the same design. It’s like a logo, or a brand. They all look the same. I have never changed it. I have no recollection of where that was/is. I don’t remember how to do it. Maybe I can find it again easily. But that’s why I was asking. I’m not an idiot. It’s just something that seems like additional work for no reason, and that’s why this is a surprise.

Regarding the running listings… I’m sorry, I think maybe you aren’t understanding my question. You had answered me before regarding the color of the border. But now, it is a step further than that. As you wrote in #2, I can only end a listing with GS that is currently running, and GS “needs to know about this”. GS imported my active listings, so it must “know about” them. But when I clicked on one of them which did not have the blue border and tried to check the live listing view, it brought up a message that said the listing was “not listed yet”. I even double checked to make sure it was still active on eBay itself, and yes it is still running. So when I want to end the listings, will I not be able to do this through GS…?

I’m sensing that you may be getting tired of answering my questions, and I apologize for taking so much of your time. I do also feel like this could and should be much easier. Please try to remember that this probably all seems logical and easy to you because your job is to write the code for and/or understand everything about GS. My job is not writing code or exploring every aspect of GS. My job is to research and know about records, antiques, clothes, etc., to go out and find them, and then to sell them. I need GS to make my job easier without taking up a lot of the time I need to spend on other things, and GS usually does this. However in this case, it’s a bit of a struggle to figure out how to make it do what I need…