Inventory Items not in SKU Picklist

After creating a NEW inventory item, I go back to add it to a listing and it is not in the SKU Pick list. If the SKU is not available immediately after creating an inventory item, it won’t show in the pick list until an App restart. Its about 50/50 odds of bing in the picklist immediately.

Any way to add an “update Inventory” button just like update Listings/Orders, or some way to refresh the db.

Maybe I’m missing something or maybe somebody has a trick to pass on.

I usually create 5 Listings and Inventory Items, quit the GS, reopen App and select the inventory SKU. doing it that way, I’m bound to screw up.

→ I see, but it seems a restart is not needed. Instead just switching to the Options Inspector and back to the Advanced Inspector should do the trick.

This issue already seems to be fixed in the next major version of GarageSale. Newly created inventory items appear there immediately in the Listing’s Advanced Inspector.

Regards, Kristian

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