Is there an autosave option in Garagesale?

Is there an autosave option in Garagesale? The new versions crash frequently for me (OS 10.10.3) and if I forgot to manually save I lose work.

Which version of GarageSale are you using?

According to the crash reporting tool we are using (HockeyApp), there were only 31 crashes globally for version 6.9.5 since April 17th.

Version 6.9.4b2 (609). I update whenever prompted, I’ve had crash issues with all versions, although with the post Photos transition they have become more frequent.


please use the built-in update function to update to GarageSale 6.9.5 or download it from the GarageSale website.
This version fixes some crash issues.

Regards, Kristian

I installed the update, hopefully that will help with the crash issue. I do still feel that autosave would be a useful addition to the program.
Additionally, there seems to be a new glitch in the photo/media browser, the photos are no longer displayed in numerical order. My photos are all named IMG_XXXX, and they appear in a somewhat random order. Here is an example: IMG_2223, IMG_2224, IMG_2178, IMG_2227, IMG_2196, IMG_2226, IMG_2228, IMG_2225, IMG_2201. It does also appear to slightly reshuffle them each time I quit and restart the program.