Issues updating token/re-adding account

We’ve tested Garagesale 9.4, 9.3, 9.0.5 and 8.4.1, all with similar results. Versions of Garagesale 9 open the web browser window and progress no futher. Garagesale 8.4.1 allows us to enter our eBay User ID then nothing else. Can you please confirm Garagesale does actually work with MacOs 10.12 as per the details on the downloads page. Can you test the above version with MacOS 10.12 and see if the results are the same.

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Sorry, we don’t have a Mac that is capable of running 10.12 anymore.

Even if we had one, and we could reproduce the problem, it wouldn’t change much. We don’t have access to eBay’s code nor can we alter the Apple’s WebKit library to make it compatible with eBay’s latest changes.

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Are you saying the minimum requirements for running Garagesale no longer apply?

It looks like it.

But without more confirmation from other macOS 10.12 users and no way to verify by ourselves (my apologies), there’s also a slight chance that this is a problem with your Mac and/or eBay account.

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