Item attributes (custom details) did not carry over in my ads (templates) from GS6 to GS7

Just installed and purchased GS7. I am trying to familiarize myself with the new app and noticed that the item attributes (aka custom details in GS6) did not carry over to GS7 from my implementation of GS6. I can verify the attributes are in GS6 but not in GS7. I can also verify they are included in my live ads on eBay. Thoughts? I have not tried to reinstall the database at this point waiting for advice. BTW, is the forum where you want feedback from users regarding the beta apps? I have addition concerns and thoughts, but will deal with them one at a time. I must compliment you on what looks like a well thought out revision of the app. Thanks for your help.

Let me ad that I’m on beta18 (738), running OSx 10.11.3

Are you getting the same bug when you export the listing from GS 6 to file, and import the file into GS 7? Are the attributes missing then, too? If so, can you send the exported GS 6 file, so we can investigate what’s going wrong.
If you don’t get the bug this way, we’d need to get our hands on your whole database from GS 6 and replay the whole migration.

Yes, please.



No, my one test file worked properly. Previously all I did was installed GS7 and let it pick up the existing database from my GS6 implementation. So, how do I export the entire database to send you? Thanks for the quick response.

  1. Locate your GarageSale database file. Most likely it’s a Library/Application Support/GarageSale. Look for the file called GarageSale.sqlite. Note the the Library folder is hidden by default. You need to make it visible by changing the View Options for your home directory in the finder. If the file isn’t there, you are probably running the Mac App Store version.
  2. Compress the GarageSale.sqlite file by right clicking it and choosing “Compress GarageSale.sqlite” from the context menu
  3. Upload the file to DropBox and send me the link (via Direct message if you prefer)

Also, please let me know which specific listings didn’t have their attributes imported. Otherwise it’s like searching a needle in the haystack.

Regarding the missing attributes: evidently you can categorize the missing attribute problem as USER ERROR, not a bug. I was clicking on the red negative button that caused the item attributes to be removed - so after checking more listings, I see the attributes do carry over. However, it seems to me that the red negative button should be one line above next to Category 2 to avoid confusion, but I can see there may not be enough real estate when there is a secondary category listed.

Also, I believe someone else mentioned this, but there is a red <!> indicating that I have not entered a MPN in the attributes, although an MPN is not included in my attribute set.

Regarding the database when running both GS6&7 in parallel: so far, I have not run GS6 & 7 side by side since I assumed it pulled from the same database, but I notice when I make a change in GS6, shut down and bring up GS7, changes and new listings do not show. I guess I can safely run the two programs side by side. But can you point me to some document or forum entry regarding how to update the databases between the two programs, i.e, if I make changes in one, how do I get it to reflect in the other and vice-versa. Thank you.

If you accidentally remove your attribute by clicking that button you can always press Command-Z (undo) to get your attributes back.

Can you please export this listing, compress it as a .zip file and post it here? This way we could have a look what’s causing the error icon to appear.

No, they are using different databases. The GS6 database is copied and converted into the database format GS7 uses upon first start of GS7.

Yes, you can.

For single listings, you can export a listing from GS 6 to file and import in GS 7. If you want your current GS6 database to appear in GS 7, you need to follow these instructions:

  1. Export any listing you created in GarageSale 7 and want to keep
  2. Quit GarageSale 7
  3. Rename the folder at ‘Library/Containers/com.iwascoding.garagesale7’ in your home directory to something like ‘com.iwascoding.garagesale7-old’
  4. Restart GarageSale 7
  5. Import any listings you exported in step #1