I am on MacOS 10.14 at the moment (and it is not so easy to update that for several reasons) and GarageSale 9.9. When I try to refresh my ebay-token, I can log-in in the popup window within GarageSale, password works - but then theres a message telling me “Trust this browser?” with the buttons “Trust” or “Skip for now”. Whe I click “Trust”, nothing happens. When I click “Skip for now” an Safari or FireFox Windows appears (depends on what I set as standard-browser) with the message " Thank you for authorizing GarageSale!". But no progess within the window of GarageSale, so no possibility to get the new token…
Is there any workaround to get the new token somehow manually? It seems everythin should be allright for the ebay account, but I do not get to the point to download the new token.
Is there any way to force GarageSale to just download the most recent token, skipping all the login-things which happen within the “renew-toke” process? Because for me it seems (because of the message within the browser) the account is aujthorised successfully, the token is ready to be downloaded - but GarageSale is not able to get to the point of downloading, because the “Trust this browser?” Message cannot be bypassed due to WebKit Reasons or such.
If there would be a possibility to just trigger the “download token” routine for example by clicking the “refresh token” buuton with the alt-key held - that might do the trick.
Does it maybe work if you do this?
- Open Safari browser and sign-in with your eBay account on the eBay website.
- Re-start GarageSale.
- Try to fetch the eBay token once again.
Hi Kristian!
Sorry, no doesn´t work, I tried that already.
Is it possible to transfer a token from one computer to another? I may use a newer Mac just for fetching the token and then transfer it to the one with MacOS 10.14?
But a possibility to just trigger te “fetch token” routine would be nice.
Perhaps your macOS version is simply too old for the web technology used by eBay.
It’s just an idea, but it might work if you connect your eBay account to your Apple ID and then sign in with your Apple ID in the hope that this will skip the “Trust Browser” prompt.
As I have multiple accounts, I guess that will be a complicated process… Any chance to transfer a token to another mac?
Of course, it’s up to you if you want to try that Apple ID method. Maybe with one single eBay account first?
I have never tried to transfer keychain items by myself and I think it’s not that easy. However, I found these two help sections from Apple:
Interesting - without doing anything new, today it worked - clicking on “Trust this browser” worked as it should, so I could finish the renew-token-process. So safe for the next 1 1/2 years… But for the future, an option to just fetch the actual token by pressing the otion key when klicking on “renew token” would be nice, if thats possible through the ebay API. Thanks for your assistance, Kristian!
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