I had another annoying reminder this morning about this old suggestion for a (hopefully!) minor change to GS behavior.
When I am looking at the Orders view, and select “Update All Orders” from the menu, I will sometimes see new orders load in. This is good! It’s responsive and quick.
When I select the items that are contained in the new Orders, and right-click to “Show Listing”, the Listing is not marked as Sold yet. This is bad! Because I more often am looking at the Listings view, and select all the Sold items there, and move them manually to a group called “Sold”.
As things stand now, to be 100% certain of items to pick for shipping, I need to (1) Update all Orders, (2) select any items in new ones, and “Show Listing”, (3) manually update that listing using the curly-arrow toolbar item, (4) go back to Orders and repeat from 2.
Is it possible to slightly change the behavior, so that when an Order is detected in the “Ready to Ship” phase, the associated Listings are automatically checked and updated for Sold status?
There may be some latency on the eBay API on this check. But to be honest once an Order is perceived I have never seen the associated Listing not marked “Sold” when updated.
As I get up to 5000+ listings, depending on “Update all Listings” is not responsive enough.
No answer to your request but just a note:
Selecting “Update All Orders”/“Update All Listings” shouldn’t be necessary at all if you tell GarageSale to do this automatically for you. This “Update Listings and Orders” update interval can be set in the GarageSale preferences > Orders: https://manual.iwascoding.com/gs8/en/GarageSale_Preferences-Orders.html
But the fraction of the time somebody buys something after the cycle has completed is not trivial.
The business constraint on me is that if somebody completed an order before 3am (my local time), I need to ship it that day. I definitely have no problem making sure all the orders are discovered before 7am when I start working.
The practical pain is that sometimes I am willing to ship orders people have paid for after 3am local time. And they are often paying for new orders at the same time I’m packing the ones from yesterday, and that’s when I stumble over the latency problem.
Like I said: minor problem It just feels like, you know, a little event cascade is all it might take? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
How about this instead: Every time you select an order, GarageSale checks if the corresponding listing is in the state “ended with sale”. If not, it goes ahead and updated that listing with eBay.
This might need special consideration for multi-quantity items, which can have new sales without being ended.
Here is version that updates listing when you select their associated orders.
I’m not sure it works for you, as a long order update operation might clog up the GarageSale internal update queues, so the listing update might not get through in time. Just keep an eye on the Operations window, to confirm it actually runs the update: