Moving GS from OS 12 to 15 in a new Mac

I purchased a new MacBook Pro and I am currently moving GS library folder from the older one (Mac OS 12.3.1) to newer (Mac OS 15.1). I copied the “Garagesale” folder from library of old mac to an external HD. I noticed that the copied folder is renamed “com.iwascoding.garagesale9”. Than I pasted it into the same position in the new Mac library. GS launched without problems, but I want to be sure that a manual moving of the database folder of GS from two different MacOS does not bring any problem. Can you reassure me it’s fine? I am doing a manual migration from the older Mac, so I installed GS manually.
I hope to hear from you soon.

Kind regards

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For me it sounds you have done everything exactly right. :+1:

Thank you Kristian !

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