Multiple values in 'Condition Type'

When multiple condition exist for ‘Condition Type’, is it possible to put multiple in the 'Condition 'Type rather than leave blank. A bit more informative.

One more thing. If all the items are Condition=Ungraded, can the drop down menu for ‘Condition Type’ be made available, please.

The “Condition Type” popup should be available, if all selected listings are from the same category.

The two items above ARE from the same eBay Category but DIFFERENT My Store Categories. Do both eBay and my categories have to comply?

Does the Category Attribute need to comply as well?

No, only the regular eBay category and the condition need to be the same to enable the ‘Condition Type’ popup.

No, attributes are completely independent from the new condition types.

I am a bit confused. Don’t the examples above show identical categories and condition yet no condition type pop-up box?

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