No listing views are working

None of my listing views - editor, preview or live and showing. The listings are there because if I click onto the group folder which contains them, the first image shows of every listing in the right hand side screen.

Running 9.9 (1706).

Nothing has been updated on my machine or downloaded and was working fine this morning.

Any help would be appreciated!

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THE SAME is happening here !!! I lost 25 years of my life, I restored everything, the app, com.iwascoding folder, I also resorted the entire Mac. And now I am discovering that there must be something wrong not here on my only computer, because all Macs in my office are having your same issue. It happened suddenly after a crash. I thought it was due to the crash and my database might went wrong, but I cannot work also on another Mac that has a completely different database. I sent a message to @ilja because there must be something very wrong here. I am afraid this evening I won’t be able to launch auctions…

Same here, nothing changed. Now none of the listing is visible

Also the top bar of main window of GS is disappeared exactly as you show in your screenshot

I’m having this problem also. Please get this fixed iwascoding. We have work to do! :wink:

Thanks for getting back to me. So has this just happened to you today as well?

I think GS did crash. I was about to uninstall, reload, etc but won’t bother if you’ve had no luck.

Is anyone else having the same issue at all?

Ah so it seems to be a general problem.

I know eBay is having a major overhaul of it’s buying and selling methods this week so perhaps IWC are doing some work on GS and it’s gone a bit awry!

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It happened exactly around 6:30 pm. I was exporting listings to another Mac and I had to force quit GS due to a mistake (pressed cmd-A and highlighted some hundreds thousands listings). Then everything went bad. I could not relaunch, GS keeps crashing. I did everything, I also restored the entire machine (it is still restoring). In the meanwhile I opened another Mac and find out that also the other Mac has this issue. This must be a major issue of ebay and somehow also of GS. This is my worst nightmare, I thought I destroyed the database… today I think I will sleep in office.

Just finished restoring the entire Mac and GS keeps crashing !!! If I disable internet connection, it does not crash. It makes no sense, I restored a Time Machine backup of today 4 pm before the problem happening. What is going on??

Look this is the preference panel

It is blank and I cannot close it! It stays open.

From the MacBook listings can be visible and I am also launching auctions without problems. But this is not the machine with live listings, only the one with drafts. This is something I cannot explain myself…


sorry to hear this. As I can not reproduce this, does it still happen if you restart GarageSale? Maybe multiple times?

As I am getting a bunch of crashes here regarding the eBay config that is downloadable from our servers (just verified that it is properly downloadable from here), can you try to delete your last downloaded version from that file and try again?

Please quit GarageSale and delete the file

~/Library/Containers/com.iwascoding.garagesale9/Data/Library/Application Support/GarageSale/

In your home folder. Afterwards, please start GarageSale again.

The easiest way to remove this file if you do not know how to find it in the Finder is to start the Terminal application and copy/paste the following command. Press press enter afterwards to actually execute the command:

rm "Library/Containers/com.iwascoding.garagesale9/Data/Library/Application Support/GarageSale/"

Hope that helps,

I had the same problem and this fix worked for me.

YES ! I manually cancelled the file, just waiting and it seems working now. Thanks for saving @Paul !!!

Will I be able to install 9.9 (1706) or should I wait?


9.9.1b3 is running fine in US

Actually this has nothing to do with the version of GarageSale. It seems somehow GarageSale did download a corrupted file that leads to this kind of issue.

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Yes, I agree. Seems to be working fine here in USA…


The situation seems to be stable now after deleting that file, but now I meet more often the spinning ball… let’s see if anything else change…