Old copy of GS back up?

Hello, I am trying to space save on the laptop. I was in the Containers folder and there is a folder for GS 8 (I am on the latest version of 9) See screenshot - and also a Garage Sale (doesn’t say 9) folder with a .plist of 24th feb (I use GS everyday surely it backs up all the time?) See screenshot 2.

I’m confused! Can I get rid of GS 8 folder? And is the Garage Snake folder (screenshot 2) is this what version 9 is using? Also how often does it back up? Sorry to be so dense about this!

Garage SALE not Snake - LOL

If you are already using GarageSale 9, feel free to remove the old GarageSale 8 database (com.iwascoding.garagesale8).
That “GarageSale” should be your current GarageSale 9 database which you shouldn’t touch at all. You can check by selecting “Get Info”. In that Info panel the “Name & Suffix” field should say: com.iwascoding.garagesale9

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Thank you Kristian for confirming that - have deleted the old GS8 and gained some space - thank you again have a great weekend!

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