Only 12 images with GarageSale PRO?

I have GarageSale PRO subscription and add 24 photo with my listing. But when I choose GarageSale picture service I see only 12 my images. How to fix it?

You can add up to 50 images to your item description but the ebay image gallery only supports 12 images. Did they change that to 24 images?

Also, be careful if you use the eBay website to revise your listings. We do not recommend to use it as GarageSale does not know about these changes and will overwrite them once you use GarageSale to revise the listing later.

In addition, the links to the images in the description will not get updated when you change these images online.


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With unchecked “Also upload images to eBay’s picture service, if free” I can upload images more than 12 to eBay with GarageSale picture service. And it’s looks very good. Thank you.
But I still should revise listing via eBay. Because GarageSale don’t work correctly with Video.

I do videos with GS. It is a few steps and the upload to ebay is very slow but doable. It takes 5 minutes to put up a video to ebay so be patient

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