Please consider adding automatic sku numbering for simple inventory management!

The fact that there is no automated sku numbering is insane. Guys please ad this feature! An example is the label making program on the Avery website. It would be PERFECT if you guys added to garage sale! It’s the exact same thing everybody needs because many people print (or dreadfully hand write) labels to place on inventory to match their sku numbers from garage sale (obviously, lol).


(Is the pic here uploading?)

Your start value and end value could be how many items you have in a folder, the prefix would be the number or name of the folder. SIMPLE!

The quickest way without automation is have a folder full of templates that are numbered from 1 to 150 in this way (in the sku)

  • 1
  • 2
  • 150

When i want to create an auction i just duplicate the folder… BUT i have to manually add the folder title. Say its folder 122…

122 - 1
122 - 2
122 - 150

It’s a little easier to use the command v paste shortcut to paste the “122” but it’s still time consuming because i do auctions of 1000 items. Imagine pasting the same info 1000 times in a row! Im sure people manually number their entire inventory and aren’t even aware of my partial shortcut!

PLEASE have an automated numbering system. You should be able to sequentially number the items in any folder (in the sku) and be able to add a prefix, either number or letter based to note the name of the folder. SIMPLE!!!

No, sorry not picture attached. Did you get an error message?

Otherwise, it’s an interesting idea!

PS. Do you want that feature in the Listing or in the Inventory section in GarageSale?

Here is a video on sequential numbering for the Avery label making website. Again, it’s exactly what I think a lot of sellers would need because people probably make labels for their inventory from this website.

I would want this in the the SKU section, does not needo appear in the listing because you will be able to see the sku’s on ebay anyways. Basically be able to take a folder in garage sale, lets say it has 100 listings… Be able to sequentially number the listings from 1 to 100 and be able to put the name of the folder as a prefix to the numbers. Please take a sec and watch the vid provided.

I also have another really cool idea for garage sale i would love to pitch to you guys. If you can provide me with a email i would like to share. Many thanks for responding.
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Thanks for the explanation. Feel free to shoot us any ideas at

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