Please help with 'active content' in my listings

You should try in Italy :neutral_face: … anyway, better for you, solved.

My product sales are reliant on Youtube videos, or at least video demos! eBay has made the announcement that videos can be used with the HTML5 video code, is garage sale using this code?
A new listing I created was still rejected…

In that listing an “InkFrogGalleryShowcase” is added below your item description.

Regards, Kristian

Hi Peterman,

not so far. For now you could continue using the standard “Edit videos” function.
If you already want to use the HTML5 video tags you need to upload your video to your server and embded it into your item description using this sample code (provided by eBay):

<video width="320" height="240">
	  <source src="movie.mp4" type="video/mp4">
	  <p>Here is a video of the product</p>


Regards, Kristian

Thank you, I will investigate

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