Posting Audio Clips with GS

Hi I am looking to post audio clips along with a large auction of used vinyl records I am putting up.
It seems like you can add an embedded video player so I converted an audio file to a .MOV file to test it out, but an error window pops up saying

GarageSale could not import the file at /Users/daniel/Downloads/01 - IDEA because it is not in a video format GarageSale can import. Please try MOV or MPEG4 files instead.

I’m fine linking audio files another way if anyone has a method

Thanks in advance,


The best way is to use eBay’s video feature for that. Please see the GarageSale help here for all details, including the video format requirements:

As far as I know QuickTime can save as MP4 which should work with eBay.

Hi, still having difficulty uploading a video. I have tried multiple mp3 to mp4 converters and I am following all of the requirements for uploading, but either GA tells me the file is not the right size or the application will just crash on me.

Try to place your mp3 into a iMovie project, maybe add an image so it looks nice, then export to a file (Video and Audio). This should result in a proper mp4 file.

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