Probleme on start button

Since the new version i can’t add new announce in my ebay
My GS windows is blocked on this page and i can’t click on start

Thanks for help
Sorry for my English.

Have you tried to refreshing your eBay account token from Preferences > Account > Refresh Access Token?

Yes i did. Sorry, it’s doesn’t work. Thanks

Maybe you previuosly didn’t allow GarageSale 8 access to the system keychain (where your eBay token is saved). please give this a try:

  1. Quit GarageSale if running.

  2. Open the macOS “Keychain Access” application, enter “ebay token” in the search field and press return afterwards. (If you don’t find anything try it with “eBay account”.)

  3. Right-click on your eBay token and select “Information”. In that window switch to the “Access” tab. Click on the plus icon there and add your GarageSale application. You probably need to enter your mac user password when doing this. If so, click on “Always Allow”.
    (Repeat this step with all your eBay accounts.)

  4. If done, restart your Mac, start GarageSale and refresh all your eBay access tokens in the GarageSale preferences > Accounts.

Hope this helps,

Thanks u a lot it s work; Best

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