Query about image sizes

Can anyone answer my query re image sizes from GS to eBay…basically I am shortly going to be running my eBay business from a different country for a while but instead of having broadband here in the U.K. I will only have a BB dongle and limited expensive internet access.

Obviously I will be very aware of what I am using it for as you pay per GB.

My question is that I usually put in high resolution images in GS, would it be worth lowering the resolution or does GS always upload the same resolution of images regardless of what you import into it?

I hope this makes sense in simple terms would it be worth me not using such hi res images or does it not matter as when the are uploaded to eBay by GS the resolution GS send them in is lower anyway?

Heck I hope this makes sense :blush:

It kind of depends what you have selected as image destination:

  • eBay: GarageSale will upload images to eBay at 1600x1200
  • GarageSale’s Free Image Server: images will be uploaded to our server at the size you selected, and also to eBay at 1600x1200 if you have the “Also upload to eBay if images are free” box checked

So, choosing our server with a small image size and unchecking that option might be a way to reduce bandwidth. You might want to consider if the reduced appeal of your listing due to the reduced images size is worth the few megabytes saved, though.

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