Relisted listings does not appear as "new listing" in eBay shop

I just noticed that all relisted listings (5% automatically, 95% manually because auto-restart failed) do not appear as “new listings” in the eBay shop. I don’t know if this is normal, if I go in my eBay shop and filter listings by “just put on sale” and none of relisted items appears. Why? Is there anyone else who is using this feature that can confirm, please?


Did you re-list or just ‘start listings’.

I have abandoned auto-list for now. My database is still corrupt from the last time tried it.

I think part of my problem was trying to stop active items within an hour of their finish time. I have changed them all to 6 hours now. I will sit with this for a while and manually start them. Once I know that is working ok, I MIGHT try the auto restart.

Hi David,
I relisted, doesn’t relist show as “new listings”? Do I have to restart them to see new items as “newly listed”? Yes I think I will give up with auto-restart, other then the high number of failed restarts, it makes no sense for me if relisted items do not show as newly listed.

I just did a test end and relist manually to see what is happening. There is a “NEW” listing added to the new not relisted but restarted listing. I have one set to relist in 5 hours and we will see how it shows up.
Screen Shot 2022-05-17 at 10.33.11 AM

Really not sure any longer, Federico. I am not at home at the moment so I cannot check.

Regards David

| fedege96
May 17 |

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Hi David,
I relisted, doesn’t relist show as “new listings”? Do I have to restart them to see new items as “newly listed”? Yes I think I will give up with auto-restart, other then the high number of failed restarts, it makes no sense for me if relisted items do not show as newly listed.

If you go in your eBay shop and filter listings by “newly listed”, does it show up or not?

No problem, thanks for your help. I am afraid I will follow your advice and disable the auto-restart, I am too afraid of a corrupted database. I will relist manually… although I still do not understand why relisted items do not show up in ebay shop into the newly added…

“Relisting” on eBay is definitely not counted as “new” on the site. It’s a way of extending a listing (indefinitely, when resisting is free or prepaid).

The one thing it does provide, if you manually re-list an item which has ended “naturally” (an auction, for example), is that it will add the “Seller has relisted the item here” with a link to the new listing.

But that does not occur for GTC items we stop manually for any other reason.

Thanks, just a further question. If you relist a listing, does it appear in the search result for a specific keyword which is included its title? I mean, it definitely does not appear in the new items in your eBay shop, if you filter listings by “newly listed”. But what about if you have keyword searches saved in eBay? Does it show up as newly listed there? And what in a global keyword search in eBay? Does it appear at the top of search as new listings do?

I just had 2 listings cancel by GS and restart automatically with no help from me. An Ebay search shows this :Screen Shot 2022-05-17 at 5.54.47 PM
A search in my store with newly listed DOES NOT show the new listing, however I don’t care what I see I only care that my buyers see the “new listing” header.
I have 500± set to cancel and restart by GS and have had zero problems or file corruptions since January when I restarted all 900 ± listings using GS. I just wish that they wouldn’t cancel and restart after a sale on a multiple item listing.

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