Sales don't uptade

preferences are set to 5 minutes

I have to update all de sales manually. Buy now sales first are black (but restarted by eBay… t

There is a problem also with bidding sales (restard automatic from Garage Sales)

My Mac is runnng 24/24 (burt sleep 11 PM to 6 AM) and Garage Sales always launched

Have you already tried to refresh your eBay access token in the GarageSale preferences > Accounts?

Are you using the most recent version of GarageSale? (9.7.5)

| kristian
July 15 |

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Have you already tried to refresh your eBay access token in the GarageSale preferences > Accounts?

If have tried but Sign In button dors not work

Are you using the most recent version of GarageSale? (9.7.5)

No 9.8b6 (1673)

I am assuming that you are using an older version of macOS. That eBay login page doesn’t seem to work well with older macOS versions, unfortunately.

What worked for others was to re-select the 2-factor-authentication on the eBay website. After doing this fetching the eBay token in GarageSale worked for them again.
You might want to give that a try.

That’s even better :+1:

I had a similar problem with GS 9.4ß2 in june 2023…

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