I am looking for a script to calculate the selling price based on percentage of the cost of the item.
(cost 5.53 X 1.75 = 9.68 the selling price). I can’t find one and don’t know how to write one. Please help.
This should be easy to do by using this script:
function run(){
for (const listing of selectedListings) {
if (listing.itemCost) {
var newPrice = listing.itemCost * 1.75;
listing.buyItNowPrice = newPrice.toFixed(2);
To use it select “Show Script Editor” from GarageSale’s Window menu. In Script Editor click on the plus icon to create a new script, then paste the script above. That’s all. Click the Run button to change the Buy It Now price for all selected listings.
Thank you very much. It works great. This can be a big time saver.
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