Steps for moving old data from ver 6 to new computer with Ver 7

Just bought new Macbook and would like to buy new version 7 but all my old listings are in Apple store purchased version 6.9.8 on my older about to crash Mac.

Could I get help with steps to take to do this?



These are the steps for the App Store version of GarageSale:

  1. The App Store version of GarageSale keeps its data there:
    Macintosh HD/Users/yourUserName/Library/Containers/com.iwascoding.garagesale/*
    *Please note: The user Library is hidden by default! Click the Finder’s Go menu and press the option key (alt) to make the user Library show up in the menu. Selecting it will open it in the Finder.

  2. Transfer that folder to your new Mac/same location.

  3. Download and start GarageSale 7.

  4. On first launch, GarageSale 7 should offer you to import your GarageSale 6 database. (this process may take a while)

Regards, Kristian

I was able to copy from my old computer one at a time and download in bulk. Thanks I will try this.

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