Text snippets don't get stored properly (8.0.10b3)

I’m trying to make a few new text snippets, but upon closing and reopening the text snippet window, for some snippets, their names aren’t stored and their content is missing.

Please help!

Mine is working fine.

Do you have any “before” and “after” screen shot window photos?


Here, first one, original state.

Changing its contents to this:

Then after adding two new snippets, it goes back to this:

Or check this out. Original state:

Adding a new one, pasting text:

Adding another one, previous snippet gone (renamed to “Text Snippet #1” when adding a new one):


This really sucks ass. I need to list 100 items today and i don’t want to deal with this shit.

Could you please post a video that show what you are doing to trigger the bug?

Thanks for the video, but I could not reproduce that bug. :slightly_frowning_face:

Update: Now I’m seeing it, too! Seems clicking the '± button discards the current edits.

Workaround for now: After changing text, select another snippet before clicking ‘+’.

Also even though “Text snippet #1” exists, the new ones name is the same instead of #2.

Is there an invisible character (space?) behind the “1”, or somewhere hidden in the name?

If there is, that’s how GS creates it. I didn’t touch the names of the 2 newly created entries.

Seems like in some cases, the contents of newly created snippets aren’t stored, even if they retain their names now (8.0.10).

Any chance of capturing this on video again, as I couldn’t find a way to reproduce it.

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