I’m moving to a new computer, but before I do that I wanted to clean up Garage Sale’s files. I have two GarageSale folders showing in Library > Containers. How do I know which one I need?
Second - I have over 1000 listings showing in ‘Deleted Listings’. How do these end up here? It looks like I still have the original listings in other folders. Are copies sent here when they are ended manually, or when they sell?
If you find mind multiple “GarageSale” folders there, they most likely belong to older GarageSale versions you were using, e.g. GarageSale 8 or GarageSale 7. To find out to what GarageSale version a database belongs to, right-click on it and select “Information”. In the Information panel expand the “Name & Extension” section to see the actual database name, e.g. “com.iwascoding.garagesale9”.
You might want to keep the database of the most recent GarageSale 9 version (“com.iwascoding.garagesale9”).
Select “Erase deleted items” from GarageSale’s Edit menu to empty the trash bin.
Are all the listings from previous versions carried froward to the latest version ie V8 > V9?
Can I just delete the whole V8 folder?
Regards the ‘Deleted Listings’, if I erase them, will it also erase all of the photos? I ask because GarageSale is taking a whole heap of space, due in the main to photos. So I’m trying to clear as much space as I can.