Unable to view left menu after update


After installing the latest update (9.8 1675), I no longer view the menu with all the listings and the magic folders on the left.

I tried reinstalling the software by redownloading from the link in the forum and replacing the install but when I start the application, I do not see anything on the left side but I can click each ghost item.

Some help would be appreciated on this issue! Thank you for your assistance! :slight_smile:

Ok so I solved it by find some hints from other answers.

I force closed the app. I renamed in “help - open library folder” the folder “Synch.leveldb” to “—Synch.leveldb”.

I then restarted the app, went to the option and enabled syncing, then chose to use the version in the cloud and overwrite the local.

It then took a few minutes, the app restarted and now I have the left side menu showing again.

Hope this might help someone else! Have a good day everyone! :slight_smile:

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