Unwanted COUNTER always included, grrrr!

I use stock default template (Alpha Rays) for my listing. BUT is ALWAYS includes a counter which I then have to remote by going to advanced:enhancements.
How can I stop it?
Thank you!

Hi Louis,

I already replied to your request through our support channel:

GarageSale does not add the eBay “counter” option by default. You probably have enabled it as a default in your “My eBay” website
maybe you’re using a “master” listing in the GarageSale preferences > eBay > New Listing where the counter option is enabled?

Regards, Kristian

Not set as default on My eBay. And not a master in GS preferences - I never even knew about that.
But I will make a master now and see if it fisse the problem!

Hi Louis,

Under the GarageSale Advanced tab is where you can set the Counter Type:

Here is an AppleScript you can run to see which GarageSale Listings, if any, have a “non-hidden” counter.

tell application "GarageSale"
	set templateList to ""
	repeat with aTemplate in (get selected ebay listings) -- every ebay listing
		if (counter type of aTemplate is not hidden) then
			set templateList to templateList & title of aTemplate & ": " & counter type of aTemplate & return
		end if
	end repeat
end tell
display dialog "The listings with counter type <> hidden counter are:" default answer templateList


@Neal, thanks, I had seen that and in fact need to go there every time to UNDO the counter that was being created, seemingly automatically.

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