Wont import file freezes

do i just send it as a message when i click on your name?

i try sending you a message with the zip files it says its to large

Please read the instructions I posted earlier carefully again. It includes a link to Dropbox upload form you are supposed to use to send me your zip file.

my bad just sent it as a message

You can try to follow my instructions here: Wont import file freezes.

Once we got your GS 6 library converted into a GS7 library, you just the to replace the library you just created from scratch with the one we converted for you.

been having the same problem with the down load freezing. followed the instructions you provided above, but I can find the files you indicated.

Seems you don’t have GarageSale 6 from the Mac App Store installed.

What is your exact problem? Can’t you upload to eBay using GarageSale 6, or doesn’t GarageSale 7 import your GS 6 library, or both?

My problem started with garage sale 6. I was getting error code 10007. Looked through the forums and realized I probably needed to down load Garage Sale 7 to fix code 10007.

I down loaded 7 and followed the prompt to import my old data base. The download gets about 80% complete at tht point I get a popup with error saying“ Couldn’t communicate with a helper application”and then the download is freezing up. I have tried several times with the same result

I can still open and see Garagesale 6. I just can use it because of code 10007

I see. In that case, can you check if the files I am requesting for upload are at Library > Application Support > GarageSale?

They are not. I can’t find these specific files

I found GarageSale.sqlite

But I could not find AuctionImages

That’s strange. The AuctionImage directly should be in the very same place as the GarageSale.sqlite file.

Found all the files and sent them to the Dropbox

We isolated the importer code into a separate application, that is not sandboxed and shouldn’t therefore by affected by permission/access problems. Can you download it and see if it can import your GS 6 library:


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That worked. everything from 6 moved over to 7. Thank you

Hi, I have just made another payment so I can use GS7…
I seem to have made a lot in the last 6 months…Have I made a mistake . I use both my husbands and my name for ebay…
Wayne and Louise Johnson. Have I doubled up?

I got 6 moved over to 7. Now when I go to list an item, I’m getting this error message. I don’t have my phone number or any links to a website in my description. This is getting frustrating.

You’re probably using any word or code that eBay does not allow or there might an issue with your seller account.
We created a special help page that list all facts we know about this eBay error:

Regards, Kristian

We can refund you the unnecessary purchase, but that might invalide serial number you are currently using. Please contact our support team at garagesale@iwascoding.com about this matter.