Copy Listing Link on Multiple Items

Hi guys
This drop down command works perfectly with multiple listings, in as much as all the links are copied to the buffer for pasting.

However, there may be a change that could improve this buffered list.

The image below shows how it appear if it is pasted into Mail

To make it easier for the recipients I added LF

Very time consuming for big lists.

It is even worse in eBay messages where the recipient sees each link as two lines. Many people cannot handle this. Maybe Messages does not recognise it as a hyper link?

Can the Copy Link option be changed to get around these issues.

Thank you

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HA! I’ve been wanting this forever! This works great! I have be frustrated by making a special listing for someone and can’t send a link. This is an answer to that frustrating problem. Thanks David! Next ask for… a toolbar button shortcut!

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I like that idea as well.

I didn’t even know this was a feature in GS! May I recommend just using a text processing app to quickly add the linefeed and an EPN link? Just paste in the list of links, then process either via Shortcut or macro, or just use the built in features of the text editor? Using the free Mac app TextMate, simply paste the URLs into a new document, then goto the Text menu and select Filter Through Command. It will show the last used command so you only have to type this once:

sed 'G'

I would take advantage of using a text app to also append the EPN for each link so you get some credit even if someone buys from another eBay seller.

sed 's/$/?mkcid=1&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&siteid=0&campid=5339087529&customid=&toolid=10001&mkevt=1 &\n/'

This will produce the same results as the prior example, except it will append my EPN [eBay Partner Network] code, so if anyone buys something after clicking the links [even if not from the items listed], I get credit:

Personally I think it is unreasonable that GS be made to do this when the native tools on a Mac can manipulate links, text, etc, just fine, and to meet everyone’s needs. If you know how to use the Shortcuts app that is installed on every modern Mac, you can create a shortcut to append each line with EPN and a blank line [or just a blank line]. I think the output that GS generates is fine as each person will have different needs as to what to do with the list of links. Personally I don’t like seeing a blank line between each line. And personally I would run the ebay links through their shortener before sending them to customers using the eBay Messaging System.

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Thanks for the tip. Playing about with it at the moment.

I disagree with your comment about not being a GS issue. It is another tool to make the user’s workload easier.


Did a few more tests and actually sent a ‘list of links’ from the ‘copy listing link’ to myself using Mac Mail.
The links were not visible in the mail I created but WERE visible and clickable in the mail message I sent to myself. The issue might then be some Windows mail clients.
I will discuss the matter of eBay message with eBay tomorrow.
In Mac Mail the menu “edit->substitutions->smart links” is turned ON.


The issue I have is that you’re wanting GS to format a list of URLs exactly as you want them to be. Others may want them formatted differently. Since it is very easy to use existing tools on a Mac to quickly get a list of links just the way a user wants, I think that is the most fair option. GS dumps a list, separated by a new line, and it is up to the end user if they want more formatting. For me, I always send links with my EPN code attached, but I do not expect an option in GS to allow that feature natively. GS is for listing ebay items, and processing sales of said items. There are other tools, free, paid for, etc, that are better suited to manipulating text.

I have the same option turned on in Apple Mail and pasting links from GS into a new e.mail works fine for me. I see the links as text. My settings for Mail are to compose messages in plain text [on the other end, or even in my sent mail box, the links will be clickable/tappable]. Using macOS 14.7.3, Mail version 16.0

Hi GS Team

My request still stands if I can get a comment please. Plus the chance of a Toolbar Icon.


  1. List item

My eBay buyers prefer


Obviously should have used screen shots but the gist was a preference to a blank line between listings as in the first message of this topic.


Hi GS Team

My request still stands if I can get a comment please. Plus

My eBay buyers prefer


Hi David,

In the latest beta version of the upcoming 9.9.2, hold down the option key when invoking the “Copy Listing Link” command:

Thanks Ilja

Very much appreciated.


Thanks again

Works a treat.


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