Footers and headers

Is it possible to add a header to all listings in the same way I can add a footer?


What you can do is to insert the header code at top of your item description in Editor Mode.
It’s even possible to create a text snippet that contains the code and you then put that text snippet at the top of your item description. You could work with a “master listing” as well.
Another way is to use one of the listing designs (or create a custom one) that offers a field for the header image URL.

Can you explain a bit more? I want to apply it to my current 43,000 listings.


All the mentioned method won’t work if you want to bulk-edit 43K listings.

I think you have two options here:

  1. You create a listing design that simply adds your header code above your item description. I can help you with that if you let me know your header image URL (must be https).

  2. You use the following Apple Script. Warning: Try it with one single listing first. There is no undone function. Make sure you have a backup. Also, after running that script switch to another listing and then back to the selected one to see the changes.
    If you don’t know how to deal with Apple Script better don’t go ahead.

set the dialogReponse to display dialog "Please enter the text to append to each selected lising" default answer "text to append"
if the button returned of dialogReponse is "Cancel" then
end if

set textToAppend to text returned of dialogReponse

tell application "GarageSale"
	repeat with theListing in (get selected ebay listings)
		tell theListing
			set oldDescription to the description
			set newDescription to textToAppend & " " & oldDescription
			set the description to newDescription
		end tell
	end repeat
end tell

Thank you. I will give it a go. Any chance that GS might add this feature?

Second thoughts. Not sure I want to chance the corruption of my data base any more than it is. Is it likely that a header will be created in the same way as the footer?


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