GarageSale 7.0.13 Beta 1 Released

Dear GarageSale Users,

The first beta version of GarageSale 7.0.13 is available for you to download from the URL below, or the built-in updater if you are running an older beta version.

What’s new in GarageSale 7.0.13

This version addresses a change in eBay’s image upload server, that causes GarageSale to embedded low-resolution versions of your images into the listing’s description under certain circumstances.

Only users that selected eBay’s image hosting service as default image hosting option in their GarageSale preferences are affected.
If you have selected GarageSale’s free image hosting or you are using your own server, links to these server are embedded in your description, thus you are not affected by eBay’s change.

In order to fix listings to are already online with low-resolution images, please follow these instructions:

  1. In GarageSale, choose “Show Library Folder” from the help menu
  2. In the folder that just opened, locate the directory named “UploadedImages.leveldb”
  3. Quit GarageSale before proceeding
  4. Delete the “UploadedImages.leveldb” directory
  5. Restart GarageSale
  6. Select the running listings with low-resolution image and invoke the “Revise Listing” command from Listing menu, to either revise the complete listing or just images and description. Please note that eBay prohibits revision of listings if their are about to end soon.

Other changes in this release

  • when receiving errors when listing items on eBay, errors received during verification phase a no longer shown
  • image context menu in inventory section now shows image size
  • improved shipping settings import when importing listings with “Import from My eBay” command
  • improved retry strategy when uploading to EPS fails
  • added context menu item in HTML editor mode to turn off auto-complete for tags
  • you can drag item from the “Import from eBay” panel to the listing ID field in the live inspector to link listings in GarageSale with listings on eBay

System Requirements

  • GarageSale 7 requires OS X 10.10 or later

Thanks for using GarageSale,
Ilja on behalf of the iwascoding team

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