GarageSale 9.9.1 Beta 3 Released

Dear GarageSale Users,

the third beta version of GarageSale 9.9.1 is available for you to download from the URL below:

What’s new in GarageSale 9.9.1 Beta 3

  • added an “Only start Searching on Return” option to toolbar’s search field menu
  • worked around an issue with the built-scheduler and missing category metadata
  • the order section overview mode displays the sum of the sales prices of the selected orders
  • BIN price summary display in listing section works better for some currencies

What’s new in GarageSale 9.9.1 Beta 2

  • ‘paidDate’ and ‘createdDate’ for order transactions are exposed via JavaScript
  • JavaScript function listingAdded() in validate script is called when the listing is successfully started
  • JavaScript function listingRelisted() in validate script is called when the listing is successfully relisted
  • JavaScript function listingRevised() in validate script is called when the listing is successfully revised
  • added warning panel when marking orders as paid
  • shows sum of BIN prices in overview mode
  • fixed several crashes

What’s new in GarageSale 9.9.1

  • fixed issues with opening the built-in Help window
  • added warnings before deleting attributes
  • added setting to control rounding behavior for calculated shipping package dimensions (GarageSale menu > Settings > eBay > Advanced)

Thanks for using GarageSale,
Kristian, Ilja, and Paul


Oh this is nice! It took 10 minutes for me to find so if you can’t find where to check the box it is here:
Screen Shot 2025-01-28 at 8.22.54 AM

This isn’t pinned to the Garagesale general dropdown menu

Works Great!


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Yes… At the very bottom of the popup menu…

Screenshot 2025-01-28 at 10.31.37 AM

Old BIN Amount:

New BIN Price, MUCH Better:


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